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Let’s Break the Bias-IWD 2022!!For NASSCOM Mumbai team, International Women’s Day 2022 started on a high note with Senior women leaders from #tech Industry coming together for a Round Table discussion on “Women in Tech- Past, Present & Future Ahead”.The candid conversation included Uma – Ixsights co-founder reflected the voices & emotions of these leaders, their conscious & implicit biases, their personal juggles & journey and eventually concluding on how they would like to title their Autobiography!
Times Techies hosted an interesting session with CXO level executives of SMES on challenges and resolutions during 2020-2021 . Ixsight CEO Uma provided some insights on DR , responsiveness and talent retention.
Read MoreThe SME council created by Nasscom in 2017 serves as a platform to enable Indias SMEs to grow to the next level and collectively derive value from the NASSCOM platform – knowledge dissemination & best practices, Networking & Connects, Policy Advocacy and Brand Building. The council has various members representing different regions. Uma – Ixsight’s CEO has been chosen to represent Maharashtra for the years 2021-2023.
Read MoreIxsight Technologies won the “India’s Technology IT ITES & Telecommunications leader” award at the recently held ET Now Leaders of Tomorrow Awards & Conclave 2021. Co-founders collected the award on behalf of the entire Ixsight team!
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